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Master Chen 5.7: Bears take advantage of the trend and pay attention to key trend line support #比特币减半完成 #btc走勢 #比特币盈利 $$$$$$ BTC 1 hour: Yesterday, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed charges against Robinhood, a virtual asset and stock trading platform, for possible violations of securities laws. And predicted future legal sanctions, the market reacted poorly to this and regarded it as bad news. However, from the perspective of technical analysis, Bitcoin is facing short-term trend line resistance while maintaining long-term trend line support. Because Bitcoin did not fall below the bottom of the box, but raised the low point of the long-term trend line, we can still maintain the view of rising in the short term. The first resistance level of the day is $63,900, and the second resistance level is $64,400. If the price breaks through the first resistance, then we can expect the price to test 64,000 again. But at present, we need to pay attention to whether the price raises the low point and ensure that there is a rebound if the support strength is effective. In addition, if Bitcoin breaks through the high of 64,400 again, there is a great possibility that it will test 65,000. The first support level is $63,400 and the second support is $62,900. If the first support can stabilize the high point during the rebound, the bullish view can still be maintained in the short term. Since the second support is the bottom of the box, we can set it as the key support. However, if the price falls back to the second support again, it will mean breaking the long-term trend line, so we will need to switch to a bearish mindset. In today's trading, we will keep observing the long-term trend line and maintain the rebound view in the short term. However, due to the current lack of trading volume, the master will look for short-term long opportunities near the resistance zone. And pay attention to trading volume and price fluctuations during the breakthrough, and then re-plan the trading ideas. 5.7 Shiye short-term pre-buried orders: Long entry reference: 63000-63400 range long in batches, defense 500 points, target 63900-64400 Short entry reference: 63900-64300 range short in batches, defense 500 points, target 63200-62900 The content of this article is exclusively planned and released by Shiye Chen (public account: Shiye Chen, the God of Currency). If you need to know more about real-time investment strategies, unwinding, spot contract trading methods, operating skills, and K-line knowledge, you can add Shiye Chen to learn and communicate. I hope it can help you find what you want in the currency circle.Focusing on BTC, ETH and altcoin spot contracts for many years, there is no 100% method, only 100% going with the trend; daily update of macro analysis articles, technical indicator analysis of mainstream coins and altcoins, and spot mid- and long-term review price forecast videos. Warm reminder: Only the column public account (pictured above) in this article is written by Master Chen, and the other advertisements at the end of the article and in the comment area have nothing to do with the author! ! Please carefully distinguish the true from the false, thank you for reading. $BTC $ETH

Master Chen 5.7: Bears take advantage of the trend and pay attention to key trend line support #比特币减半完成 #btc走勢 #比特币盈利 $$$$$$

BTC 1 hour:

Yesterday, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed charges against Robinhood, a virtual asset and stock trading platform, for possible violations of securities laws. And predicted future legal sanctions, the market reacted poorly to this and regarded it as bad news.

However, from the perspective of technical analysis, Bitcoin is facing short-term trend line resistance while maintaining long-term trend line support. Because Bitcoin did not fall below the bottom of the box, but raised the low point of the long-term trend line, we can still maintain the view of rising in the short term.

The first resistance level of the day is $63,900, and the second resistance level is $64,400. If the price breaks through the first resistance, then we can expect the price to test 64,000 again. But at present, we need to pay attention to whether the price raises the low point and ensure that there is a rebound if the support strength is effective.

In addition, if Bitcoin breaks through the high of 64,400 again, there is a great possibility that it will test 65,000.

The first support level is $63,400 and the second support is $62,900. If the first support can stabilize the high point during the rebound, the bullish view can still be maintained in the short term. Since the second support is the bottom of the box, we can set it as the key support.

However, if the price falls back to the second support again, it will mean breaking the long-term trend line, so we will need to switch to a bearish mindset.

In today's trading, we will keep observing the long-term trend line and maintain the rebound view in the short term.

However, due to the current lack of trading volume, the master will look for short-term long opportunities near the resistance zone. And pay attention to trading volume and price fluctuations during the breakthrough, and then re-plan the trading ideas.

5.7 Shiye short-term pre-buried orders:

Long entry reference: 63000-63400 range long in batches, defense 500 points, target 63900-64400

Short entry reference: 63900-64300 range short in batches, defense 500 points, target 63200-62900

The content of this article is exclusively planned and released by Shiye Chen (public account: Shiye Chen, the God of Currency). If you need to know more about real-time investment strategies, unwinding, spot contract trading methods, operating skills, and K-line knowledge, you can add Shiye Chen to learn and communicate. I hope it can help you find what you want in the currency circle.Focusing on BTC, ETH and altcoin spot contracts for many years, there is no 100% method, only 100% going with the trend; daily update of macro analysis articles, technical indicator analysis of mainstream coins and altcoins, and spot mid- and long-term review price forecast videos.

Warm reminder: Only the column public account (pictured above) in this article is written by Master Chen, and the other advertisements at the end of the article and in the comment area have nothing to do with the author! ! Please carefully distinguish the true from the false, thank you for reading. $BTC $ETH

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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师爷陈6.6:超买区间低点抬高 大盘将再次测试72000? 昨日师爷文章中在71100-71500区间预埋做空,行情在昨日下午15点左右最高涨至71430附近。随后反弹下跌最低跌至70420附近,文章中空单预埋目标70500完美到达,并拿下了1000点利润。 BTC4小时: 昨日比特币未能重新测试72000,目前正在调整中。而70500前高点作为重要支撑线已被守住,因此可以维持上涨的观点。 目前低点正在抬高,所以需在短期内反弹才能再次看到72000的重新测试。 如果跌破71000,下方的支撑在70500。因此在跌破71000时,进一步上涨的时间也会延后。 阻力位参考: 第一阻力位:71450 第二阻力位:72000 当突破第一阻力时,由于突破了前一天创下的前高点,所以可以期待N形上涨形态出现,但是需要关注币价是否突破了前一天的高点。 从RSI指标来看,虽然在超买区间,但是可能会暂时遇到阻力并进行调整。但如果买盘涌入,即使在超买持续区间,上涨的概率也会增加。 支撑位参考: 第一支撑位:70900 第二支撑位:70500 若在短期内守住第一支撑的情况下,那么重新测试72000的概率会更高。 目前均线和K线价格的距离较远,如果跌破第一支撑,则下行空间将会打开至70500。 在今天的交易中,虽然维持短期上涨的观点。但由于当前没有交易量且处于横盘状态,因此需在调整区间后再看反弹的观点。 如果此时进入多头,那么就不能以中期观点来看待。因为大概率会重新测试72000,所以应以短线观点解读图表并进行超短线交易。 请在交易时参考这些建议 6.6师爷短线预埋单: 做多入场位参考:70100-70500区间分批做多 防守500点 目标71400-72000 做空入场位参考:71600-72000区间分批做空 防守500点 目标70900-70500 #5月非农数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 #比特币走势分析
师爷陈6.5:多空预埋再次完美拿下!大盘上攻阻力位蓄势待发? 昨日师爷文章中在68500-68800区间预埋做多,行情在昨日下午17点最低跌至68597附近。随后一路反弹最高涨至71151,文章中多单预埋目标69700和70500均完美到达,并拿下了1900点利润。 而在70500-70800区间的预埋空单,晚间凌晨行情最高涨至71151,随后凌晨的行情最低跌到了70120,文章中预埋空单拿下700点,总结昨日文章多空预埋一共拿下2600点! BTC4小时: 昨日比特币突破了箱体区间,目前正在测试71000关口。 上涨的原因是美国公布的职位空缺和劳动力流动报告(JOLTS)显示,上月减少了29.6万个职位,劳动力市场恶化引发了对降息的预期,因此比特币出现了上涨。 尽管日本发生了黑客攻击的负面消息,但ETF的持续流入使得即使出现短暂下跌,重要的支撑位也得到了保持。 如果你看了师爷这几天的图表分析,你会发现师爷一直保持着看多的观点。 而上涨伴随着回调也是再正常不过现象了,目前K线与均线的距离也在拉大。所以回调的概率较高,但回调后仍能维持看涨的观点。 阻力位参考: 第一阻力位:71500 第二阻力位:72000 首先第一阻力位是前高点,在测试后可能会进入短暂的调整区间。而短期高点70500的阻力位已被突破,按当前走势来看,可以期待测试72000的高点。 支撑位参考: 第一支撑位:70450 第二支撑位:69700 目前来看师爷认为币价回调至第一支撑位是完全有可能的,相比回调的情况下,重新测试71500后再回调会更有优势。 目前K线与均线的距离较大,所以随着K线走势更新。如果均线朝上并缩小距离,则可以期待进一步上涨。 在今日交易中,比特币突破了短期箱体区间上沿。并突破了三角收敛形态的上沿,所以表明近期的趋势和方向已定。 在今日可以继续保持看涨的观点,并设置70500为短期的重要支撑位。如果当前K线在其上方保持企稳,则可以期待阶梯式的上涨出现。 请在交易时参考这些建议 6.5师爷短线预埋单: 做多入场位参考:69300-69700区间分批做多 防守500点 目标70500-71500 做空入场位参考:71100-71500区间分批做空 防守500点 目标70500-69700 #5月非农数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 #比特币走势分析 #bnb历史新高 $BTC $ETH

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