Strange incidents in digital currencies

There are many strange and interesting incidents in the world of digital currencies. Among the most notable are:

1. **Millionaire Bitcoin Theft**: In 2014, the Bitcoin trading platform Mt. Gox was subjected to a cyberattack, resulting in the theft of approximately 850,000 Bitcoins, worth close to half a billion dollars in that time.

2. **Exchange founder disappears**: In 2018, the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX disappeared under mysterious circumstances, along with the keys to accessing cryptocurrency wallets, resulting in the loss of approximately $190 million of investors’ funds. .

3. **The “eavesdropping” operation on digital currencies**: In 2018, the “eavesdropping” operation targeting Bitcoin and other digital currencies was revealed, as security vulnerabilities in trading platforms and digital currency wallets were exploited to steal funds.

4. **Loss of digital wallet keys**: There are many cases in which access keys to digital currency wallets were lost, which led to the loss of access to the digital currencies stored in them, including the story of the British scientist James Hoyle, who lost the access key to His wallet contains 7,500 bitcoins.

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