1. The Rich understand the real principle of money. They know Money is not supposed to be earned, But rather, ‘’made’’.

2. The most vital power every man on earth-posses, Is the power to make, create and bring into fruition whatever they desire.

3. In addition, according to a Newsletter, there are over 30million notes of the United States Dollar printed on a Daily Basis, worth over 514million Dollars. So in essence if the world’s chess-mastermind can print so much money faster than anyone can save earned money, what makes you think one ,can become rich and wealthy by working to earn a certain amount of money. The monetary system

of the world’s a hoax. I

The Rich studied that one and can make money by simply placing value on something l

which result in it Being an asset.

The Rich understands the ‘’TOP HELL’S BEST KEPT SECRET’’ ;

*Poverty is molded, crafted, designed in the mental realm:‘’The mind, ‘’before being birthed as figure in one’s bank account. The same applies to wealth.


1. Production

2. Distribution

This Is ‘’The Master Key To Wealth’’,… Period! It’s either you believe and claim what’s yours or leave or better said, forfeit what’s yours to some else


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