Zero-knowledge (ZK) systems are advancing towards a breakthrough similar to ChatGPT in artificial intelligence. ZK-proofs authenticate information while preserving privacy, enabling parties to verify truthfulness without revealing hidden data. Public blockchains can validate concealed information's existence, ensuring data legitimacy without disclosure. Despite being in early stages, ZK technology is deemed fundamental and significant, with potential for widespread adoption. Telos Foundation's partnership with Ponos Technology to develop a layer-2 network utilizing SNARKtor reflects efforts to create a 'network of networks.' While ZK systems hold promise for the future, further optimization is required for broader implementation. Industry experts emphasize ZK's role in enhancing security, privacy, and decentralization, with ongoing research aiming to address limitations and expand applicability. ZK technology's potential for diverse domains is underscored, with use cases ranging from car rentals to Web3 applications. Read more AI-generated news on: