Market is flash dumping ATM... That's a lot of red candles I see. However within 15min cycle it should rebound. But 1 hour, 4 hour, 1 day chart indicates we are at the beginning of the dump.

Watch out!

Shorting any coin now will probably be profitable. Just make sure you survive the sudden price pump that will most definitely happen in between the dumps. Obviously, even at the worst dump market won't just go red candle for hours. There will be green candle spikes and if you are greedy you lose all your money in seconds, when shorting at a bearish market.

Same goes for longs on a bull run, this is why 95% of people never actually make money on crypto even amidst the biggest bull runs in history. If you actually did make money, you are probably top 5%. Like even $1. You didn't lose? You are guaranteed in the top 5%. And among the top 5%, the 1% are the ones who made millions.

However, the 95% who lost money in the end didn't always lose money. They probably made a lot during their trading journey. But then they overstep and lose everything they built.

The only ones that can and deserves to make profit in this market are people who set a rule and don't step over the line. Keep your risk management, don't go for massive gains in a single trade. Be humble even when you are making millions. That's the most dangerous time for a potential 100% loss.
