According to U.Today, Cardano enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the Chang hard fork, which is slated for the second quarter of 2024. This significant event is seen as a pivotal moment in Cardano's progression towards decentralized governance, marking the start of minimum-viable community-run governance within the blockchain ecosystem.

The Chang hard fork plays a crucial role in kickstarting the process for Cardano's governance throughout 2024, which consists of three main stages. The first stage involves the introduction of delegate representatives (DReps), who will act as elected representatives responsible for advocating the interests of the Cardano community. This innovative approach to representation allows users to delegate their ADA holdings, thereby encouraging increased engagement and participation.

Following this, the Cardano Constitution Convention will be held in Buenos Aires, where governance representatives from workshops around the globe will come together. They will work collaboratively to draft the first version of the Cardano Constitution, establishing the groundwork for community-led governance principles.

The final stage of this process will be a community-wide vote on the approval of the Cardano Constitution. If ratified, the constitution will become the bedrock of decentralized governance mechanisms, steering the future course of the Cardano blockchain.

In addition to these governance milestones, the Chang hard fork will also bring about two significant upgrades: Chang Upgrade Number One and Chang Upgrade Number Two. As detailed in CIP-1694, these upgrades will enable the implementation of governance features, including decentralized voting mechanisms and treasury withdrawals.