LOOKING FOR 1,000% - 2,000%

Today we will talk about the #crypto currencies that could do $1,000 - 2,000%. Read till the end to find out.

From my market analysis, I find these coins to have great future.

But DO YOU think any of these coins can do +1,000%? Comment the coin and your reasons.

#1. Litecoin which is currently at $106, this currency gained over +35% from the last 5days.

The currency market cap of over $8.2billions and over 73.2millions tokens in circulation out of the 84millions total supply.

#2. Bitcoin cash currently making waves as one of the top gainers for major tokens.

BCH is currently at $283 and gained over +34% from the last 5days. With a market cap of over $5.75billions and over 19.44millions of this token in circulation.

NOTE: conduct proper analysis before you make any decision.

#Binance #bitcoin