#比特币减半 #etf

In fact, the contract is most likely a gamble, or a test of luck. Most people are probably just gambling. Some leeks may have some technical analysis, or have wider channels, but this is just the threshold. In summary, the contract is a gamble. If you don’t believe it, just look at the 200u diary that was popular some time ago. Now it is still zero in the extreme market?

So the end of the contract is either a liquidation or spot. At the same time, I also advise the new leeks to play with spot well. You are not the chosen one!

If you really want to play, then I also suggest that you play with a small amount of funds. I have seen too many people who make a lot of money playing spot at the first level, and come to play contracts to give money. There are also friends or netizens who let you play contracts, or buy and sell u merchants, just block them directly!

We are not the second generation of rich people, nor are we rich. Although the words are good, when you really have nothing, you really have nothing. $TIA $OM