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$ORDI Buffett holds a lot of cash most of the time. Then he waits for a black swan event to appear. When it appears, he enters the market to sweep the bloody chips. Usually, there are 1-2 such opportunities every year. At this time, everyone's panic is spreading. And Buffett enters the market and has a good reputation: I will save the market. This is a trick I learned from studying Buffett for 20 years. Keep cash and wait for the black swan to appear. The waiting process is boring. But you can always wait. Isn't it coming recently? The mantra given to me by a big man who has been playing with coins for ten years: In the morning, you can increase your position if it drops sharply, and reduce your position if it rises sharply in the morning. Only reduce your position if it rises sharply in the afternoon, and buy the next day if it drops sharply in the afternoon. Don't sell coins if it drops in the morning, and increase your position T+0 when it drops. Don't chase the rise in the afternoon, and reduce your position T+1 when it rises. In the morning, pull up to 10 o'clock, and in the afternoon, pull up to 2 o'clock. Sell at the highest point. If the coin is strong, it will be closed at 10 o'clock. If the coin is not strong, it will be closed at 2 o'clock. Control the position and don't take chances. Rolling operation is the best strategy. Don't short in a bull market, and don't go long in a bear market. Don't kill the decline in a bull market, and don't chase the rise in a bear market. If it falls all day during the day, foreigners will pull it back at night. Don't chase the rise in the morning when it rises sharply. It is to deceive the Chinese who get up and take over stupidly. It is to deceive the Chinese who get up and panic to ship in the morning when it falls sharply. Insert a long needle to buy the bottom. Injection is to cure the disease and is conducive to growth. It will rise before a major meeting, and it will fall when the meeting is approaching. Teach you a simple way to identify cryptocurrency scam projects, which can avoid 99% of the pits! I did it this way too! 1. White papers that are all text and big cakes are directly blocked! 2. White papers with a small amount of text and pictures are blocked! 3. White papers with Chinese characters are blocked! 4. Project personnel with Chinese faces are blocked! 5. If there is a Chinese channel in the project community at the beginning, it will be blocked directly! BRC20's 5 characters are better than domain names. There are many good names, and there is no need to pay annual fees. After minting, it will belong to you forever, and you can buy and sell. And the Bitcoin chain is currently the most secure and reliable decentralized blockchain system in the world. The 5-letter BRC20 will pull up the third wave of inscription market. Focus on BRC20 five-character banco, plata, and CBDCS. Banco is the leading coin in the BRC20 banking industry. Four-character BRC20 ARKB, ETCS, and EZBC are also popular. #Meme #新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #SHIB #APT $BTC $ETH

$ORDI Buffett holds a lot of cash most of the time.

Then he waits for a black swan event to appear.

When it appears, he enters the market to sweep the bloody chips.

Usually, there are 1-2 such opportunities every year.

At this time, everyone's panic is spreading.

And Buffett enters the market and has a good reputation: I will save the market.

This is a trick I learned from studying Buffett for 20 years.

Keep cash and wait for the black swan to appear.

The waiting process is boring.

But you can always wait.

Isn't it coming recently?

The mantra given to me by a big man who has been playing with coins for ten years:

In the morning, you can increase your position if it drops sharply, and reduce your position if it rises sharply in the morning.

Only reduce your position if it rises sharply in the afternoon, and buy the next day if it drops sharply in the afternoon.

Don't sell coins if it drops in the morning, and increase your position T+0 when it drops.

Don't chase the rise in the afternoon, and reduce your position T+1 when it rises.

In the morning, pull up to 10 o'clock, and in the afternoon, pull up to 2 o'clock. Sell at the highest point. If the coin is strong, it will be closed at 10 o'clock. If the coin is not strong, it will be closed at 2 o'clock. Control the position and don't take chances. Rolling operation is the best strategy.

Don't short in a bull market, and don't go long in a bear market.

Don't kill the decline in a bull market, and don't chase the rise in a bear market.

If it falls all day during the day, foreigners will pull it back at night.

Don't chase the rise in the morning when it rises sharply. It is to deceive the Chinese who get up and take over stupidly.

It is to deceive the Chinese who get up and panic to ship in the morning when it falls sharply.

Insert a long needle to buy the bottom. Injection is to cure the disease and is conducive to growth.

It will rise before a major meeting, and it will fall when the meeting is approaching.

Teach you a simple way to identify cryptocurrency scam projects, which can avoid 99% of the pits! I did it this way too!

1. White papers that are all text and big cakes are directly blocked!

2. White papers with a small amount of text and pictures are blocked!

3. White papers with Chinese characters are blocked!

4. Project personnel with Chinese faces are blocked!

5. If there is a Chinese channel in the project community at the beginning, it will be blocked directly!

BRC20's 5 characters are better than domain names. There are many good names, and there is no need to pay annual fees. After minting, it will belong to you forever, and you can buy and sell. And the Bitcoin chain is currently the most secure and reliable decentralized blockchain system in the world. The 5-letter BRC20 will pull up the third wave of inscription market.

Focus on BRC20 five-character banco, plata, and CBDCS.

Banco is the leading coin in the BRC20 banking industry.

Four-character BRC20 ARKB, ETCS, and EZBC are also popular.

#Meme #新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #SHIB #APT $BTC $ETH

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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73000多绝不是本轮牛市的顶 73000多就比上一轮牛市高出4000多点,不到7%的涨幅,用了3年的时间,花费这么多财力才拉到历史新高,机构巨鲸不可能就为了这么点获利空间,首次突破历史新高之所以出现冲高回落,一般是上一轮高位被套筹码套现出局以及灰度出货所致,后续BTC肯定会再创历史新高的。 玩币十年大佬给我的口诀: 早上大跌可加仓,早上大涨要减仓。 下午大涨只减仓,下午大跌次日买。 早上下跌不卖币,逢低加仓T+0。 下午拉高不追涨,逢高减仓T+1。 上午拉高看十点,下午拉高看二点,卖在最高点,币若强势十点封,币若不强二点封,控制仓位不侥幸,滚动操作是上策。 牛市不作短、 熊市不作长。 牛市不杀跌、 熊市不追涨。 白天如果跌一天,晚上外国人会拉回来 早晨大涨不追高,是骗起床的中国人傻傻接盘 早晨大跌要抄底,是骗起床的中国人恐慌出货 插很长的针要抄底,打针是为了治病,有利于生长 开重大会议前一阵必涨,临近开会必跌 教大家一个简单辨别加密货币骗局项目,能躲过99%的坑!我也是这么做的! 1.白皮书全是文字画大饼的直接拉黑! 2.白皮书少量文字配合图片的拉黑! 3.白皮书有中文的拉黑! 4.项目人员有华人脸的拉黑! 5.刚开始的项目社区有中文频道直接拉黑! BRC20的5字符比域名要好,好的名字还很多,也不需要支付年费,mint后永远属于你,还可以买卖交易。且比特币链是目前世界上最安全可靠的去中心化区块链系统。5字母BRC20会拉起第三波铭文行情。 重点关注BRC20 五字符的banco、plata、CBDCS、BRUNE。 banco是BRC20银行业的龙头币。 CBDCS是央行数字货币概念龙头币。 BRUNE是比特币符文概念龙头币 四字符BRC20的ARKB、ETCS、EZBC也是热门。ARKB是ETF概念龙头币。 #Meme #Megadrop #WIF #sui #brune $BTC $BNB $USDC
币圈不是一个亘古不变的圈子,是会有起伏的,选择很重要,选择对了,随着时间就会给予你丰厚的回报,就怕你信心不够坚定,等不到,在起起伏伏中就被收割走了。 玩币十年大佬给我的口诀: 早上大跌可加仓,早上大涨要减仓。 下午大涨只减仓,下午大跌次日买。 早上下跌不卖币,逢低加仓T+0。 下午拉高不追涨,逢高减仓T+1。 上午拉高看十点,下午拉高看二点,卖在最高点,币若强势十点封,币若不强二点封,控制仓位不侥幸,滚动操作是上策。 牛市不作短、 熊市不作长。 牛市不杀跌、 熊市不追涨。 白天如果跌一天,晚上外国人会拉回来 早晨大涨不追高,是骗起床的中国人傻傻接盘 早晨大跌要抄底,是骗起床的中国人恐慌出货 插很长的针要抄底,打针是为了治病,有利于生长 开重大会议前一阵必涨,临近开会必跌 教大家一个简单辨别加密货币骗局项目,能躲过99%的坑!我也是这么做的! 1.白皮书全是文字画大饼的直接拉黑! 2.白皮书少量文字配合图片的拉黑! 3.白皮书有中文的拉黑! 4.项目人员有华人脸的拉黑! 5.刚开始的项目社区有中文频道直接拉黑! BRC20的5字符比域名要好,好的名字还很多,也不需要支付年费,mint后永远属于你,还可以买卖交易。且比特币链是目前世界上最安全可靠的去中心化区块链系统。5字母BRC20会拉起第三波铭文行情。 重点关注BRC20 五字符的banco、plata、CBDCS、BRUNE。 banco是BRC20银行业的龙头币。 CBDCS是央行数字货币概念龙头币。 BRUNE是比特币符文概念龙头币 四字符BRC20的ARKB、ETCS、EZBC也是热门。ARKB是ETF概念龙头币。 #Meme #Megadrop #sui #SHIB #Fet $BTC $BNB $USDC
铭文目前这种买卖订单的形式。 其实市值是多少取决于社区的大部分共识价格是多少。 比如一个币社区大部分共识是10000U一枚。 那么这个币就价值10000U一枚。 如果共识足够同步。一天之内就可以千百倍。 希望正在参与铭文建设的你和你所在的社区能够懂得这个道理。 牛市不作短、 熊市不作长。 牛市不杀跌、 熊市不追涨。 白天如果跌一天,晚上外国人会拉回来 早晨大涨不追高,是骗起床的中国人傻傻接盘 早晨大跌要抄底,是骗起床的中国人恐慌出货 插很长的针要抄底,打针是为了治病,有利于生长 开重大会议前一阵必涨,临近开会必跌 教大家一个简单辨别加密货币骗局项目,能躲过99%的坑!我也是这么做的! 1.白皮书全是文字画大饼的直接拉黑! 2.白皮书少量文字配合图片的拉黑! 3.白皮书有中文的拉黑! 4.项目人员有华人脸的拉黑! 5.刚开始的项目社区有中文频道直接拉黑! BRC20的5字符比域名要好,好的名字还很多,也不需要支付年费,mint后永远属于你,还可以买卖交易。且比特币链是目前世界上最安全可靠的去中心化区块链系统。5字母BRC20会拉起第三波铭文行情。 重点关注BRC20 五字符的banco、plata、CBDCS、BRUNE。 banco是BRC20银行业的龙头币。 CBDCS是央行数字货币概念龙头币。 BRUNE是比特币符文概念龙头币 四字符BRC20的ARKB、ETCS、EZBC也是热门。ARKB是ETF概念龙头币。 #Meme #WIF #sui #SHIB #banco $BTC $BIFI $SOL
相亲市场,男生也都非常现实了,刚刚就有一个92年女硕士被拒绝了。女生说自己从毕业开始就不想别的,就一心打拼,终于啊,在去年攒够了首付,买了一套房,现在呢,年薪45左右,现在呢,年薪45个左右,有房有车,也是公司的中层了。他看上了一位90年的男生,身高一米七八,学历硕士,年入50多个,是新上海人,在静安区也买了房子。本来女生认为两个人挺般配的,可没想到男生啊,却婉言拒绝了,女生就愣住了,心想自己条件也不差呀,怎么就不能考虑一下呢?男生啊,就跟我说他想找一个95后,对女生的收入不太有要求,有一份稳定的工作就好,家庭条件也不用太好,一般的原生家庭就行,学历大专以上就可以,不需要有房子,你们觉得男生的想法现实吗? 牛市不作短、 熊市不作长。 牛市不杀跌、 熊市不追涨。 白天如果跌一天,晚上外国人会拉回来 早晨大涨不追高,是骗起床的中国人傻傻接盘 早晨大跌要抄底,是骗起床的中国人恐慌出货 插很长的针要抄底,打针是为了治病,有利于生长 开重大会议前一阵必涨,临近开会必跌 教大家一个简单辨别加密货币骗局项目,能躲过99%的坑!我也是这么做的! 1.白皮书全是文字画大饼的直接拉黑! 2.白皮书少量文字配合图片的拉黑! 3.白皮书有中文的拉黑! 4.项目人员有华人脸的拉黑! 5.刚开始的项目社区有中文频道直接拉黑! BRC20的5字符比域名要好,好的名字还很多,也不需要支付年费,mint后永远属于你,还可以买卖交易。且比特币链是目前世界上最安全可靠的去中心化区块链系统。5字母BRC20会拉起第三波铭文行情。 重点关注BRC20 五字符的banco、plata、CBDCS、BRUNE。 banco是BRC20银行业的龙头币。 CBDCS是央行数字货币概念龙头币。 BRUNE是比特币符文概念龙头币 四字符BRC20的ARKB #Meme #WIF #sui #SHIB #APT $BTC
下一个最大热点非符文(Runes)莫属,说一下几个机会点: 1、Runes上线前的炒作:比如符石、Node这些,大量BRC20借机炒作; 2、Runes上线后的热门新铭文; 3、Runes火爆后的外溢机会,比如BRC20以及BTCFi。 玩币十年大佬给我的口诀: 早上大跌可加仓,早上大涨要减仓。 下午大涨只减仓,下午大跌次日买。 早上下跌不卖币,逢低加仓T+0。 下午拉高不追涨,逢高减仓T+1。 上午拉高看十点,下午拉高看二点,卖在最高点,币若强势十点封,币若不强二点封,控制仓位不侥幸,滚动操作是上策。 牛市不作短、 熊市不作长。 牛市不杀跌、 熊市不追涨。 白天如果跌一天,晚上外国人会拉回来 早晨大涨不追高,是骗起床的中国人傻傻接盘 早晨大跌要抄底,是骗起床的中国人恐慌出货 插很长的针要抄底,打针是为了治病,有利于生长 开重大会议前一阵必涨,临近开会必跌 教大家一个简单辨别加密货币骗局项目,能躲过99%的坑!我也是这么做的! 1.白皮书全是文字画大饼的直接拉黑! 2.白皮书少量文字配合图片的拉黑! 3.白皮书有中文的拉黑! 4.项目人员有华人脸的拉黑! 5.刚开始的项目社区有中文频道直接拉黑! BRC20的5字符比域名要好,好的名字还很多,也不需要支付年费,mint后永远属于你,还可以买卖交易。且比特币链是目前世界上最安全可靠的去中心化区块链系统。5字母BRC20会拉起第三波铭文行情。 重点关注BRC20 五字符的banco、plata、CBDCS、BRUNE。 banco是BRC20银行业的龙头币。 CBDCS是央行数字货币概念龙头币。 BRUNE是比特币符文概念龙头币 四字符BRC20的ARKB、ETCS、EZBC也是热门。ARKB是ETF概念龙头币。 #Meme #Fet #PDA #brune #banco $BTC $ETH $BIFI

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