1. Introduction

Protocol is an IP governance project in partnership with Pixelmon to incentivize and reward NFT holders who help grow the Pixelmon brand.
The MON Protocol effectively allows monster NFT holders to actively participate in decisions related to the species they hold, and the MON token will become the token for Pixelmon
The ecosystem token that powers the game. By allowing monster NFT holders to actively participate in decisions related to the species they hold, it effectively promotes a decentralized governance ecosystem. The MON token will serve as a key driving force for the development of the Pixelmon game ecosystem.

2. How to participate

1. ✅Copy to your browser and open: https://app.monprotocol.ai/questing/missions

2. ✅Enter invitation code in link X: TongZhi47920

3. ✅Complete tasks and spin the daily wheel to earn points