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#大盘走势 The trend of gold has been very strong recently. You can refer to the following paragraph for interpretation. Analysts believe that this round of rise in international gold prices is mainly due to the rising market expectations for an interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve. As U.S. inflation falls from its high point, the market generally believes that the Fed's interest rate hike cycle may be over and will soon turn to interest rate cuts. At the same time, risk aversion caused by intensified geopolitical conflicts and the decline in the credibility of the U.S. dollar-based credit currency system are also important factors driving this round of gold price increases. Xia Yingying, a nonferrous metals analyst at Nanhua Futures, believes that the current credibility of the US dollar-dominated credit currency system has declined, prompting many central banks around the world to adjust their foreign exchange reserve structures and increase their gold reserve holdings. At the same time, affected by the recently released weak economic and employment data in the United States, expectations for a rate cut by the Federal Reserve in June have been strengthened again, and U.S. bond yields have shown a downward trend, which has also boosted gold valuations. Wu Dan, a researcher at the Bank of China Research Institute, said that international gold prices usually have a seesaw relationship with the trend of the US dollar. When the US dollar is strong, gold prices fall, and when the US dollar is weak, gold prices rise. Since March, the overall performance of macroeconomic data in the United States, including PMI (purchasing managers index), unemployment rate, etc., has weakened. In addition, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell made it clear that "an interest rate cut may be appropriate at some point this year," causing the U.S. dollar index to fall. , started this round of gold price market. At the same time, against the backdrop of increasing global uncertainty, market demand and enthusiasm for buying gold as a safe haven are at a high level. $BTC


The trend of gold has been very strong recently. You can refer to the following paragraph for interpretation.

Analysts believe that this round of rise in international gold prices is mainly due to the rising market expectations for an interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve. As U.S. inflation falls from its high point, the market generally believes that the Fed's interest rate hike cycle may be over and will soon turn to interest rate cuts. At the same time, risk aversion caused by intensified geopolitical conflicts and the decline in the credibility of the U.S. dollar-based credit currency system are also important factors driving this round of gold price increases.

Xia Yingying, a nonferrous metals analyst at Nanhua Futures, believes that the current credibility of the US dollar-dominated credit currency system has declined, prompting many central banks around the world to adjust their foreign exchange reserve structures and increase their gold reserve holdings. At the same time, affected by the recently released weak economic and employment data in the United States, expectations for a rate cut by the Federal Reserve in June have been strengthened again, and U.S. bond yields have shown a downward trend, which has also boosted gold valuations.

Wu Dan, a researcher at the Bank of China Research Institute, said that international gold prices usually have a seesaw relationship with the trend of the US dollar. When the US dollar is strong, gold prices fall, and when the US dollar is weak, gold prices rise. Since March, the overall performance of macroeconomic data in the United States, including PMI (purchasing managers index), unemployment rate, etc., has weakened. In addition, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell made it clear that "an interest rate cut may be appropriate at some point this year," causing the U.S. dollar index to fall. , started this round of gold price market. At the same time, against the backdrop of increasing global uncertainty, market demand and enthusiasm for buying gold as a safe haven are at a high level.


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#大盘走势 话说咱们对于以太ETF的预判还是很准确的,在很多人无法理解的状态中一下子就批了八家,这就是被资本干预的潜规则。 你理不理解不重要,资本能有足够的利益就足够!但是因为确实太仓促,接下来S1通过的等待时间就会比较长,这对于市场来说其实是好事,利好已经明牌,但又没有完全落地,多么绝妙的炒作契机! 接下里的时间段以太短暂的调整之后,将会进入一个持续的上升通道,直到正式上线交易的那天才算利好落地!同样,很多山寨币也会借着这个时间拉盘,久违的小山寨季将会来临! 盘面来说,完全符合我们剧本的推演,小高潮之后,盘面回调整理,酝酿下一波行情中!赛道选择上来说,这一阶段就是盯紧以太坊生态相关币种,品种说过很多次了,不再赘述,虽然都有比较大的拉升,但是如果出现八个点以上的调整,我觉得还是可以去买入的,只是仓位上就不能像我们59000那里那么激进,分批入场,做好安全垫! 错过了最佳的入场时机,只能从仓位管理上来风控了,这个没有办法,安全第一!MEME版块和RWA赛道不用说,已经赚很多了,继续持有就好,大概率还是跑赢大饼的赛道!AI大家也要关注起来,虽然最近比较疲软,但是下个月GPT5相关的消息很可能刺激板块拉升,提前做好布局没毛病!其实看来看去,可以玩的板块就这么几个,谁让市场缺钱呢,小币看热点,只能和热点做朋友啦! $PEPE $BOME
#大盘走势 以太坊ETF的一则利好消息点爆了行情,以太直接拉升20多个点,大饼也直接冲过69000打到了72000的压力位置,虽然最近我们一直看多,但这么爽的拉升还是超预期的,只能说以太弱了太久,压抑的做多情绪全面爆发所致! 最近的几篇文章,我们一直相信以太的补涨,山寨的补涨,这下果然来了,而且社区代领大家布局的PEPE,ETHFI,ENA和以太生态相关币种涨幅都是位居前列,可喜可贺!因为这次拉升是ETH的ETF会被通过预期刺激所致,因此23号这个日子变的尤为关键,这天会有明确的消息出来,确定是否真能通过,在这之前,盘面大概率不会继续出现大阳线的拉升,而是震荡等待消息的明朗! 从消息披露的渠道来看,这名彭博分析师在业界还是很有分量,所以可以大胆的预测一下,这次通过的概率还是比较大的!一但通过,价格创新高指日可待!从链上数据来看,cme机构进场的资金比较克制,说明这波推动还是以散户大户为主,这点也支持消息明确前震荡的预判。那么,如果明天有回踩出现,仓位轻的朋友可以去买入或者加仓,选择上还是优先选择以太坊生态相关,ethfi,ena,op,ssv,还有马上减产的ETC,当然选ETH本身也是没问题的! 另外sol要多加关注,如果以太坊通过,那市场一定会预期下一个会是谁,sol是理所当然的第一标的,以太ETF落地之时,很可能是sol再度起飞之日! $PEPE $ENA

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