According to The Defiant, the DeFi protocol Prisma Finance recently suffered a $12 million attack. Blockchain security company Cyvers first discovered that the attacker successfully stole 3,258 ETH before the protocol was suspended by the team. Prisma users are advised to revoke the authorization of the affected smart contracts. Security company Peckshield analysis shows that the stolen assets have been redistributed to three Ethereum addresses.

The attack caused the Prisma token PRISMA to plummet by 30%, and then partially recovered, with a current market value of $9 million. The protocol was withdrawn nearly $110 million after the attack, and the total locked value fell to $127 million.

The two dollar-pegged stablecoins issued by Prisma, mkUSD and ULTRA, are minted based on Ethereum liquid pledge tokens (LSTs) and re-pledge tokens (LRTs). Currently, mkUSD has a market value of $35 million, and the newer ULTRA has a market value of just over $2 million. Prisma's design is based on LUSD issuer Liquity, which confirmed that it is not vulnerable to the same type of attack.