Okay, I’m writing this post in advance. I thought that closer to March 30-31 we would see highs again. What I wrote about in the last post. But the maximum was already the night after the post was published 😄 I hope someone listens to my advice.

And now I see that they have already gained a good foothold. And we can quite confidently talk about storming new highs

By the way, I took profit twice in the last month and made 4 purchases. In total, the profit due to these actions gave +78.3% to the deposit. At the same time, if I had done nothing at all in March, the profit would have been approximately 24-25%.

So I'm happy) 😊

In the meantime, I’m postponing any manipulations for the near future. Until the end of April, I forgot about such a word as “cryptocurrency” 👽

#HotTrends #moneymaker #Bitcoin #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥