The monthly close of Bitcoin is coming up, and it's WEEKEND! If you follow me, you already know what I think about the crypto market during weekends! But daddy Bitcoin is quite rebellious, especially with the HALVING thing right around the corner! And no, Bitcoin isn't racing against time for the HALVING! It's racing against its own blocks! The more people transact within the Bitcoin blockchain, the sooner the #HalvingTime event will occur! Don't be fooled by posts with "Halving" dates! There's no certain date!!!
But anyway, let's leave the HALVING topic aside, I've already explained what it is and what we could expect regarding the price! (Give it a read if you haven't already!)
How's the #BTC price today? Where are we heading? Tell me what you see in my chart, and I'll tell you who you are hahaha 😅