You don't need $30,000 to start day trading! If I only had $1000 to trade with, here's my plan:

1. Stick to a simple trading plan 📝: My first step would be to create a clear trading strategy. This involves deciding which setups and stocks to trade, along with determining my position size and risk for each trade.

2. Set realistic goals 🎯: I'd focus on making steady progress with my account. With proper risk management, aiming for $100-$150 in profit per week is achievable with $1000.

3. Focus on consistency ⏰: I'd stick to my plan every day, no matter what. Even if the gains are small, I'll prioritize consistency for long-term success over chasing quick money.

4. Scale slowly 📈: Once I achieve consistent profits with my current strategy, I'll gradually increase my position size to boost my earnings. However, I'll proceed cautiously as larger positions also come with greater potential losses.

5. Be persistent 💪: Trading isn't easy, and setbacks are inevitable on the path to success. I'll stay resilient and keep pushing forward, no matter how tough the journey gets. 💰🏆

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