Civic Pass is now integrated with @solana Token Extensions.

In case you’re not familiar with Token Extensions, they imbue tokens with a brand new set of features through some technical advancements.

One of these features is called a transfer hook, and it allows advanced permissioning to follow a token.

Using transfer hooks, we integrated Civic Pass with Token Extensions.

This means that identity credentials can now be referenced by a token along its journey through the ecosystem.

Information such as a location, age, humanity and government-issued ID may be used to control the token’s transfer rules via Civic Pass.

This unlocks all sorts of new possibilities for builders.

Here are examples of how Civic Pass x Token Extensions can be used:

RWAs. Issuers can ensure that only accredited investors can hold tokens.
Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) tokens. These social change tokens can be protected with Sybil resistance.
Live events. Airdrops, mints and DAO token issuances can be simplified. No more need to write smart contracts to protect against bots.

Exciting, right? This is just the start.

Let us know what you’re building with Token Extensions. We’d love to collaborate.

Check it out in our docs here: