Due to #Bitcoin leading market position, significant fluctuations in $BTC value can often affect #altcoin markets as well. An increase in the value of Bitcoin may attract the attention of investors to Bitcoin, and in this process, the demand for altcoins may experience a temporary decrease. Nevertheless, following the increase in value of Bitcoin, it is possible for investors to realize profits and follow strategies to diversify their portfolios, resulting in a revival of interest in altcoins.

Altcoins rise at more unpredictable times than Bitcoin. The most important thing to catch the rise of altcoins is patience. You should continue to keep the altcoins you hold in the spot for the long term. Selling just because it is not rising is a common mistake. It has become customary to see the sold coin rise after selling it. Therefore, sticking to the plan is the most important thing you can do to earn from altcoins.