Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2009 by a person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto and has gained popularity around the world. Besides the known features of Bitcoin, there are also some unknown or little-known features. Here are some of the unknown features of Bitcoin:
1. Unknown Creator: The creator of Bitcoin is known as Satoshi Nakamoto, but his real identity is still unknown. It is still debatable whether Satoshi Nakamoto is a person or a group.
2. Blockchain Size: Bitcoin's blockchain size is quite large. As of 2021, Bitcoin's blockchain is approximately 350 GB and continues to grow every day. This means it requires a large database to join the Bitcoin network or run a full node.
3. Lost Bitcoins: Bitcoins accessed through Bitcoin wallets and private keys may be lost or become inaccessible. In this case, lost Bitcoins are lost forever. According to estimates, millions of Bitcoins have been lost to date.
4. Mysterious Wallets: In the early days of Bitcoin, some wallets were discovered that controlled large amounts of Bitcoin. The owners of these wallets are still unknown and are referred to as "whales" in the Bitcoin community. The behavior of these whales can have major impacts on the market.
5. Decentralized Development: The development of Bitcoin is not managed by a central authority or organization. Development of the Bitcoin protocol is carried out by an open source community. Different contributors can contribute to Bitcoin's software and offer suggestions. This means that Bitcoin is decentralized and community-run.
6. Privacy and Anonymity: Bitcoin allows users to make transactions without revealing their identities. However, Bitcoin transactions have some limitations when it comes to privacy as they are clearly traceable on the blockchain. Anonymization techniques and privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies have been developed to increase the privacy of identities.
7. Forks: Bitcoin has witnessed various "forks" over time.