$BOME Coin Urgent Alert

The BOME price plunged after a top holder unloaded 340 million tokens for $3.6 million

After an influential depositor liquidated 340,000,000 tokens for 3.6 million dollars which constituted a considerable part of BOME token's total supply, the price of BOME dropped significantly. He was he one that had purposedly spent 421 SOL and have the holdings equal a whooping number of 1.43 billion BOME and was now cashing through selling 190 million BOME at 3.66 million, leaving with him $26.57 million worth of 1.24 billion BOME.

This could have been the reason behind a significant sale which gave way for the downward trend in prices.

The consequences of this price crash of the market is not given directly, but it can be understood that the event was likely caused by the crash in the confidence of the market to the disruptions in the token supply-and-demand. Besides the fact presented by the search results, the coin was also mentioned to have spiked during the past 24 hours, reaching the rate of $0.0198.

There is such a spike and enhancements have been published on the reasons, such as, having the Listed Token on multiple cryptocurrency markets, Availability of the perpetual contract on Binance, and the surge on the community reaction during pre-sale.
While trading and the token holders benefits are concerned, searches show that token price experienced considerable daily volatilities; bulls tried to drive the price towards $0.030 and bears might potentially dump the price below $0.020.

The coin as well possesses a relatively high market cap of 1.01 billion dollars in dollar value which is fair enough to be part of the list of top 100 cryptocurrencies.

Despite the lack of details on the trading strategies involved in the decline or the opportunities this may present for the holders of the token, the straightforward approach provides some hope regarding a possible recovery.

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