crypto King
12:43 AM・Mar 7, 2024
🛑🛑🛑Btc urgent urgent very urgent update
👉So guys btc was very close to creat new all time high when it is hurted by some big whales
i posted you that we are just 500$ away from our target after that it goes so close to create all time high it was just 280 dollar away
👉But in next post i immediately gave you alert that guys some big people are going to crash btc they want to dump before 69k i told you to sell if you want to but i told i am holding it not selling
👉At that time it was at 68200 the purpose of writing was that i was seeing a clear cut crash at that time bears were becoming stronger i know that when it crash you people start worrying crying thats why told you to close and it happen many people started crying
👉But i knew that it will bounce soon back thats why i told you that i am holding
👉 Alhumdulilah gave you perfect time of pump and gave you alert at perfect time thats a crash is coming close it of you want you can see its given us crash towards 65k
🛑 Current update
👉Now btc is following bullish trendline and bulls again taken control soon it will break all time high i will close my position at 69k
👉More details in pic
🛑 Important message
Guys i told you that if 30 people gave tips i will gave you updates but only 23 people given but i still care about you thats why gave you alert in morning that crash coming
👉So you people also show love and complete remaining 7 tips in short 100$ is remaining from target as soon as you complete it updates start
👉Lets see how much time you take