$GRASS Airdrop Confirmed!
Act fast, only 3 days left until it's over!
Just two simple steps to qualify for $GRASS
➜ Deadline: March 8
➜ Cost: $0
➜ Potential Average: $15,000
Check out the step-by-step guide below 👇 🦥
Step-by-Step guide 👇
GetGrass raised whooping $3.5 million and promises an airdrop for early adopters
🔥🔥 To start farming, search and add GET Grass extension to chrome or Mises browser if you're using mobile
🔥🔥 use code to signup for reward: O7gTZPgew319IZI
🔥🔥 ensure to use the code O7gTZPgew319IZI to signup and get rewards !
🔥🔥 Stay connected!