#ETC Let us remember that the funds allow the investor to get exposure to the price of Bitcoin without having to buy the cryptocurrency itself, something similar to buying shares of a company, by analogy if you buy shares of a company and this has an increase in its prices, you will be winning, in ETFs the gain will be conditional on the increase in Bitcoin prices.
In other words, when you invest in a Bitcoin ETF you are not directly buying Bitcoin, you are buying shares of a fund that has Bitcoin already acquired by the ETF issuer in the stock market. If the BTC goes up, your shares will go up in proportion to the increase.
Now then the obligatory question that many will ask themselves,
- Safer: Bitcoin ETFs are in the hands of an institution that is responsible for safeguarding the assets of BTC, they are the custodians.
- More regulated: Bitcoin ETFs are subject to stricter regulations than Bitcoin itself.
- Easier to access and trade: you can buy and sell Bitcoin ETFs through your regular brokerage account, just like any other stock.
- The financial institution issuing the ETF market makers actively buy and sell, maintaining a balance between supply and demand. If the price of the ETF begins to deviate from the actual price of Bitcoin , the market makers intervene to restore the balance, making profits in the process.
If you are passionate about cryptocurrencies and want to buy cryptocurrencies directly I recommend trading with Binance, to do so you must have a registered account, if you still have one here is my referral link,
Here is a guide to the verification process.