The price of the pie is currently fluctuating around 51,000. It has broken the 7-day line and the shape is not very good. The technical indicators have turned downward and repaired. The short side is slightly stronger. Do you want to test the support of 50,000 again? This position probably still needs to be competed for again. Today is Friday and it will probably be reduced again during the weekend. Let’s see if it moves again next week!

Look at the big pie in four hours. Yesterday's upward trend failed and I turned back to confirm. The 7-day line turned upward and broke through the 30-day line and continued to turn downward. See if the 60-day support can hold, which is around 50800. I will probably test it again. The strength of its support is relatively strong on the short side. If the 60-day line breaks, it will be tested near the line 49! There is a high probability that it will still oscillate!

Pressure 51600 52300

Support 50800 50200