Binance Announced Launch of 47th Binance Launchpool Project, Lowered Seed Token Tag
This is the Portalcoin crypto gaming platform, which I told you about on December 9.
They always ask me: "Ismeidy, how to buy the token before it is listed on Binance or other exchanges?"
And the answer is that, yes they can obtain the token before being on the exchange. As?
Using farming within Binance, which will open in 9 hours, 44 minutes.
To do this, they must stake $BNB and $FDUSD for 7 days, in exchange they will receive PORTAL.
Go to: Farming Portal
PORTAL will be listed on February 29, 2024 at 10:00 (UTC) and will open trading with PORTAL/BTC, PORTAL/USDT, PORTAL/BNB, PORTAL/FDUSD and PORTAL/TRY trading pairs.
PORTAL Launch Group Details:
Token name: Portal ( $PORTAL).
Maximum token supply: 1,000,000,000 PORTAL.
Launchpool Token Rewards: 50,000,000 PORTAL (5% of maximum token supply).
Initial circulating supply: 167,134,615 PORTAL (16.71% of maximum token supply).
Smart contract details: Ethereum.
Terms of participation: KYC required.
Maximum limit per hour per user: 23,809.52 PORTAL in BNB group.
5,952.38 PORTAL in the FDUSD common fund.
#Portalcoin #PORTAL #Portal #portalgaming #TrendingTopic $BNB