Polyhedra is about to snap! The following content will help you qualify for air investing in a few minutes. It’s still not too late, so hurry up.

✧ 潜在空投:$10,000
✧ 仅需 15 分钟



Polyhedra Network is at the forefront of building the next generation of Web3 interoperability, scalability, and privacy infrastructure. They achieve this through advanced zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology. Funding raised: $25 million


What about Alpha? They explicitly mentioned that $HEDRA will be distributed by June 15, 2024, so we are getting closer to that snapshot. This means you should work hard this month. Eligibility criteria

符合 $HEDRA 空投资格的标准
您不必拥有昂贵的 300 美元以上的 Pandra NFT 来符合资格。最基本的标准是与 zkBridge 进行交互。NFT 持有者将获得额外的空投。快速步骤指南

1/ 铸造并桥接 Polyhedra NFT• 前往 http://zkbridge.com/gallery/polyhedra2024…• 连接您的钱包
• 在所有支持的网络上领取 NFT
• 然后在所有支持的网络上进行桥接
这样我们就可以进行 10+ 个交易、合约,并与 zkBridge 进行交互。


2/ 创建 NFT• 前往 http://zkbridge.com/creatorTool• 在所有支持的网络上创建任何 NFT
• 填写所有字段
• 使用 zkBridge 进行一些额外的交易


3/ Bridging tokens and NFTs

• Go to http://zkbridge.com/token

• Bridge ETH/USDT or BNB on all supported networks

• Then go to http://zkbridge.com/zknft

• Import an NFT and bridge it


4/ Send a message • Go to http://zkbridge.com/zkmessenger

• Send some mail to all supported networks

Close a few extra deals.


5/ Merkly• 前往 http://minter.merkly.com/zk/gas (Polyhedra 和 LZO)
• 连接您的钱包
• 进行加油(尽可能多的网络)
• 前往 http://minter.merkly.com/zk (zkNFT 桥接)
• 铸造并桥接全部


6/ Galxe• Go to http://galxe.com/polyhedra• Complete all quests and choose a character


7/ 币安和 OKX 活动• 前往 http://binance.com/en/activity/mission/polyhedra-airdrop…• 连接您的币安账户
• 按照说明操作


8/ Strategy wise (high stakes bank) You can’t go wrong buying the Pandra NFT, most likely the NFT will also distribute airdrops.


感谢关注,每天坚持分享有价值的空投信息。#BTC #ETH #etf #ORDI