What everyone hates is not ordi, what everyone hates is that they don’t have ordi;

What everyone hates is not SATs, what everyone hates is that they don’t have SATs;

What everyone hates is not rats, what everyone hates is that they don’t have rats;

What everyone hates is not cutting leeks, but they hate not being able to cut leeks;

What everyone hates is not that the pie is rising, but that there is no pie.

TFX public chain test network has been running for 3 months

In the first half of 2024, the main network will be mapped to enter the on-chain ecological construction stage.

This is the stage where the value of tfx is getting higher and higher

Consensus promotion in the past two years has seen more and more ecological users and players

Players holding tfx will mine more and more nodes, and voting rights will become the main income of the TFX public chain.#热门话题 #BTC #sol #TFX公链即将映射