Detailed Analysis of Sentiment Indicator:

How Comparing 28-Day Change in Price (%) with 28-Day Change in Active Addresses (%) Can Signal Market Sentiment:

Introduction: As Bitcoin's popularity continues to grow, investors and traders are always on the lookout for ways to gauge the market sentiment. One way to do this is by comparing the 28-day change in price (%) with the 28-day change in active addresses (%), which results in a short-term sentiment indicator. This article aims to explain how this indicator works and what it means for Bitcoin's price.

How Does the Indicator Work?

The short-term sentiment indicator is created by comparing the rate of change in price and active addresses. When the change in price (orange line on the chart) reaches the upper boundary of change in active addresses (red dotted line), it signals that the short-term market sentiment is overheated. This means that the rate of increase in price is outstripping the rate of increase in active addresses. Conversely, when the change in price reaches the lower boundary of change in active addresses (green dotted line), it indicates that the short-term market sentiment is overly negative. Historically, when this happens, Bitcoin's price is oversold and typically bounces back strongly soon after.

What Does It Mean for Bitcoin's Price?

This indicator helps investors and traders understand whether Bitcoin's price is overheated or underappreciated in the medium term (weekly timeframes). However, it's important to note that this particular indicator is overly sensitive and isn't meant to identify major cycle highs or lows. Instead, it signals whether the market sentiment is overheated or underappreciated.


The short-term sentiment indicator created by comparing the 28-day change in price and active addresses can provide valuable insights into Bitcoin's market sentiment. When the price crosses the upper boundary, it signals that the market is overheated, and when it crosses the lower boundary, it indicates that the market is oversold. While this indicator is sensitive, it's not designed to identify major cycle highs or lows, but rather to signal whether the market sentiment is overheated or underappreciated in the medium term. By using this indicator alongside other technical analysis tools, investors and traders can make informed decisions about Bitcoin's price movements.

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