Recently, whenever I have free time, I go to listen to the sp conference on Twitter. To be honest, #piin, most of the people participating are novices in the currency circle. There are no blue v big guys among them, no big names in the currency circle, and no How to manage more than a hundred Twitter accounts by one person, let alone the mentality of buying and selling bands

, and they also don’t have their professional and high-level vocabulary.

I looked at the address where they held the coins in the morning, and I laughed. As far as addresses are concerned, that’s it!

Look at us#piincommunity members again, we are just silly letters, silly followers, silly promotions, and silly tweets!#piinis backed by 80 million absentees. This work is far more solid than online promotion. In terms of community promotion,#piinis the founder of the industry. We only need 1% of pi friends to participate. That’s 800,000#piinaddresses! So on the#brc20track#piinis definitely the next king!

Knowing more is not necessarily better than taking more!

Don't underestimate Xiaobai,

Even if there are too many ants, they can still overwhelm the elephant!#sols#coss#avav#bnbs#bsvs#veda#sofi#doge#pipe#trac#issp#suis #sui #inj#NFT #sui