Sudden wealth will produce a herd effect. When a story of sudden wealth comes from a certain currency, there will always be a large number of people swarming in. The army of leeks cannot be stopped. A currency circle without leeks would be nothing. Coin circle?
Therefore, leeks are an important component in the currency circle. Without leeks, there will be no prosperity in the currency circle. Without leeks, there will be no development in the currency circle. One general will succeed and thousands of bones will wither.
I am also a leek, just an old leek. When countless sickles are swung down, at least I can hide half of them.
The leeks are made of iron, and the sickle is made of running water. If the sickle cuts the leeks, the leeks will not be grateful. The role of the sickle is not to cut the leeks, so there is a famous saying by Li Xiaolai; the consensus of idiots is also the consensus...