Impact of the adoption of Bitcoin ETF:

1. Finally established a memorial for btc

2. There are more institutions entering the market, and it is expected that the market trend will not be the same as before. It can last for several months, and basic big market trends will appear frequently.

3. Now that btc has passed, others will also pass in the future.

4. Why is it easier to make money in this market than stocks? Because there are too many institutions in the stock market, and now the wolves of Wall Street have entered the market, is the game between large institutions really beneficial to us retail investors? When the situation changes, we should take precautions in advance and slowly change the gameplay. We cannot operate in the same way as before. Because there is no shortage of opportunities in this market, but when opportunities arise, the principal is gone.

The above is my humble opinion, and currency friends are welcome to add to it.