🚀🇻🇳 Buy cryptocurrency with Wise? We'll show you how to use your Wise card or Wise transfer to buy BTC and other cryptocurrencies. Let's discuss this topic in the comments! 👇
- If you have a Wise card, you can use it to deposit funds to cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken.
- However, Wise's usage policy does not allow direct transfers to cryptocurrency exchanges. You need to use P2P trading platforms like Binance P2P to buy crypto with Wise transfer.
- Note that using Wise transfers on P2P platforms can be risky and transactions may be declined.
💳 How to buy cryptocurrency with Wise card:
1. Log in to the exchange (e.g. Binance)
2. Select "Buy Cryptocurrency" and select "Debit/Credit Card"
3. Enter the amount and cryptocurrency you want to buy
4. Enter card information and verify the card's CCV number
5. The cryptocurrency will be transferred to your account on the exchange
🔄 How to buy cryptocurrency with Wise transfer (if you don't have a Wise card):
1. Create an account on a P2P trading platform (e.g. Binance P2P)
2. Select the cryptocurrency, payment currency, and region you want to buy from
3. Choose Wise as your payment method
4. Complete the transaction via escrow service and beware of fraudulent transactions
However, we recommend that you choose another payment method if possible, due to Wise's policy of not supporting cryptocurrency purchases.