#BTC #etf #ETH
Experience in the currency circle 3
3-1 Don’t fight the trend. There are no deterministic signals. Don’t go short when the market is rising, and don’t buy the bottom when it’s falling. In the large bands formed by the general trend, you can only follow the trend and increase leverage. In the small bands of the general trend, the short-term leverage should be as low as possible, and try not to do it if you are unsure.
3-2 Try to participate in hot spots as much as possible, get on the bus first, and then study. I’ve done some research and found out that something is wrong and it’s garbage, so it’s almost done with the increase and it’s time to get off the train. If you find it is a good thing, you can continue to take it if it goes up, and you can continue to increase your position if it goes down.