Financial intelligence supported the position of the Ministry of Finance on the regulation of cryptocurrencies, BNB recovered after the SEC's lawsuit against Binance, the OKX crypto exchange announced the delisting of anonymous coins and other events of the past week
The difficulty of Bitcoin mining has updated the historical record

As a result of the next recalculation, the indicator increased by almost 7%, reaching a new historical maximum at 72.01 T

Solana cryptocurrency surpasses Bitcoin in terms of trading volumes on Binance

The coin reached another annual high amid a rush of traders

Aksakov announced the possible taxation of income, not profit of miners

The government, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, the Central Bank and law enforcement agencies have not yet agreed on fundamental issues of regulating cryptocurrencies

Financial intelligence supported the position of the Ministry of Finance on the regulation of cryptocurrencies

The reason may be the lack of regulation of the circulation of digital currencies and the activities of crypto exchanges

BNB token recovered after US regulator's lawsuit against Binance

The exchange's native coin has updated its high since June 5, 2023, when the Securities and Exchange Commission sued the largest crypto platform

Clients Mt. Gox announced the return of money 10 years after the collapse of the exchange

Users of the bankrupt crypto platform began to report on social networks about receiving funds blocked in 2014

Tether reports $4 billion in excess stablecoin reserves

The head of the stablecoin issuer, Paolo Ardoino, summed up the results of 2023 and said that he is looking forward to the next one, in which the company plans to launch several new projects

The kidnappers demanded 15 million rubles. for Izhevsk cryptocurrency miner

Police detained three men who threatened to hand over the victim with planted drugs to the police

MicroStrategy purchased additional bitcoins for $615 million

Michael Saylor's company now owns almost $6 billion in the first cryptocurrency

The Ethereum cryptocurrency rate has updated its annual maximum

The price of the coin returned to the level of spring 2022, outpacing Bitcoin and other large crypto assets in terms of growth dynamics.

CryptoQuant analysts call Bitcoin ETF approval “news for sales”

Experts predicted a drop in the rate of the first cryptocurrency to $32 thousand.

ARK Invest and Coinbase managers sold $73 million worth of exchange shares in a week

Cathie Wood's company reinvested funds in Bitcoin futures exchange-traded funds

Crypto exchange OKX announced the delisting of anonymous cryptocurrencies

The platform will cease trading of several sensitive digital assets in early January 2024

A US court recognized the tokens of the Terraform Labs crypto project as securities

The crypto project does not agree with the decision made and will defend its position

CoinGecko named the most profitable cryptocurrencies from the top 100 in 2023

Researchers named the main digital coin of the year the BONK token, which increased in price by 7.3 thousand percent.

Articles of the week
Bitcoin has outperformed gold and the stock market. What influenced this

Bloomberg analysts analyzed the dynamics of digital assets and noted that “the sense of doom that gripped the cryptocurrency markets at the end of 2022 has now given way to a completely different feeling - greed.”

Cryptocurrency and mining in Russia. What has changed in 2023

The past year has passed in anticipation of the introduction of regulation for Russian users of digital currencies. This did not stop the cryptocurrency mining industry from leaping forward in development.

Trends, technologies and risks. What will happen to cryptocurrencies in 2024

Experts spoke about their vision of the current trends of the year and predicted future scenarios for the cryptocurrency sector