According to Foresight News, ETHGlobal has announced its 2024 season schedule, planning to host 20 events worldwide. These events include LFGHO (January 12-24), Circuit Breaker (February 2-21), Pragma Denver (February 28), Pragma London (March 14), ETHGlobal London (March 15-17), Scaling Ethereum 2024 (April 5-26), Pragma Sydney (May 2), ETHGlobal Sydney (May 3-5), Pragma Brussels (July 11), ETHGlobal Brussels (July 12-14), ETHOnline 2024 (August 23-September 13), ETHGlobal Singapore (September 20-22), Pragma San Francisco (October 15-17), ETHGlobal San Francisco (October 18-20), ETHGlobal Devcon 2024 (tentatively scheduled for November), and five additional events.