Usually there are two situations; one is that the account has frequent transactions recently and is identified as an abnormal transaction by the bank system. In the past, you will usually be asked to provide information to explain the bank card transaction. If you can provide it, just provide it and eliminate the risk. Bank risk control, if you have a large transaction due to buying and selling virtual currency, don't make trouble for yourself, explain everything, and say that you are reselling second-hand business just to avoid taxes, and the transaction caused by buying and selling second-hand bags is too large, or steel, building materials. Here you must make sure that it is bank risk control before making up.

The second is if the police freeze your bank card, which means your bank card is involved in the case. Brother, tell them everything that you are a regular U seller. Don't hide it. Find the records and prepare the evidence. Prepare the evidence to prove your innocence. Because you are involved in the case, the investigation will continue. Because buying and selling U is not a big deal, you must tell them everything.


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