BOSS Wallet data source, Shiba Inu today's price, SHIB's latest price fell to $0.00001863, a drop of -2.01%, and a trading volume of $436 million. According to the K-line chart, it is currently in a volatile trend. It fell sharply compared to 16:00 and rebounded compared to 12:00. In the volatile trend, the trading volume increased, and the price and trading volume rose simultaneously. According to the Williams indicator, the current market is not overbought or oversold. The trading volume has increased recently, and the trading volume has increased compared to the previous few hours. The price and trading volume have risen at the same time: the trading is active and the upward momentum is strong. It may be a short-term correction. It is recommended to continue to pay attention. If it falls below the support level, consider reducing the position. The above content is for reference only and does not constitute an investment advice.