According to Foresight News, the Safe team reviewed the security incident mentioned in Radiant Capital's post-event report, pointing out that the Safe {Wallet} front-end functioned normally, but the external device was damaged during the signing process, allowing hackers to replace transaction data and induce signers to sign malicious transactions. The Safe team believes that this incident highlights the risk of blind signatures, where users approve transactions with full view of transaction details, especially when using hardware wallets. To solve this problem, Safe recommends using multiple signature devices from different vendors (for example, a combination of Ledger and Trezor) and connecting these devices through a trusted interface to improve the visibility and security of transactions. In addition, Safe has explored technologies such as conditional signatures to provide more contextual information without sacrificing security. The Safe team is considering calculating the Ledger hash directly in its interface so that users can check the hash displayed on the hardware wallet and the interface. The Safe team emphasizes that all parties in the ecosystem need to work together to solve the blind signature problem and promises to work with hardware wallet providers and the community to improve the transaction and message signing process.