Although the volatility of the big cake air situation has further narrowed, it is not without a chance to take advantage. After our Duo order was placed at midnight, there was a prompt in the morning to continue to step back and then Duo. The subsequent step back and stretch were given, and our Duo order also took advantage of the trend to take another 416/28 point space to take advantage. From the hourly level, the K-line alternated between Yin and Yang and stepped back to the 67000 line again and stabilized, indicating that the support strength of this line is still good, and Duo orders can still be placed around this line in the short term. Although the four-hour continuous Yin did not receive volume support, the market sentiment was not unified. In the future, we are still optimistic that the air situation will stabilize and then give another stretch. Buju can continue to treat it as a low Duo.
Big cake: 67000 Duo, looking up to 68200.
Auntie: 2610, looking up to 2680.#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #Moonbix #以太坊生态meme币 #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH $BNB