#BinanceFuturesTips , Here are some great tips
1 . Try to separate your emotions from your trades
2. Avoid FOMO related trades /investments
3. Be willing to spend sometime studying the market ( it's behavior , how it reacts to news , market psychology and key movers)
4. Depending on your time commitment , you can focus on one instrument or several instruments ( make sure to understand some bit of detail around each instrument) You can have a selection from the older tokens eg #BTC , from altcoins #LTC , from ai coins #FET , stablecoins for staking eg #USDC etc depending on which you like )
Strategies including risk management tips
1. High risk offers opportunity for high returns but also increases the chance of liquidation ( until you have a better grasp , your strategy could constitute lower risk )
2. Have some time-frames or thresholds inside your mind concerning investment entry and exit
3. Try to understand some technical analysis ( Try to use the trend , and other analytic tools , they may help)
4. Keep acquiring new knowledge daily
5. Don't always be late , but if you are late it doesn't mean you will not make it