Vegas's addition of the #LUNC Telegram page, which he founded, to the #CoinMarketCap site received a lot of criticism.

➖ Without going into what VegasMorph has done in the past, I would like to comment on this issue.

➖ In order to create a group on Telegram, one person must be the FOUNDER. You cannot create a group without being a founder.

➖ There are 7278 people in the group that Vegas added. Almost all of the LUNC validators are in this group.

➖ Vegas may be the founder, but there are 5 MANAGERS besides him. One of these admins is an Allnodes official.

⚠️ We do not understand the fire that was caused by Vegas adding this group to CoinMarketCap? Are you serious? Is this what the #TerraClassic community is about?

🔅 We find it very meaningless to exaggerate this issue. If Vegas is wrong, you open a vote and determine which Telegram channel to add.

We don't know if there are other showdowns in the background, but no one should bother Terra Classic investors with simple issues...