Telegram co-founder and billionaire Pavel Durov and his girlfriend Julia Vavilova recently revealed that they learned that Julia was pregnant while Durov was briefly detained by French authorities. The couple believes that the pressure of the subsequent interrogation led to a miscarriage on October 4, 2024.
According to a Telegram post by Vavilova, she learned about the pregnancy on August 25. Durov's girlfriend described the moment she found out:
“Sitting in a cafe in Paris, I took the test. The result was in French: ‘Enceinte 3+’. I ran upstairs to translate. The look of surprise on my face when it said ‘Pregnant.’ I felt helpless, unable to run to Pavel to share the good news, because he was still unreachable.”
Theo lời khuyên của bác sĩ, cô không nên trả lời ngay lập tức các yêu cầu thẩm vấn từ cơ quan thực thi pháp luật do “áp lực khổng lồ” mà việc này sẽ gây ra hậu quả rất lớn trong giai đoạn mới mang thai. Tuy nhiên, Vavilova cuối cùng đã đến cơ quan thực thi pháp luật để thẩm vấn vài tuần sau đó.
Vavilova said that by the time they learned that the baby's heart had stopped beating on October 4, 2024, the pregnancy was 10 weeks old, but the pressure from Durov's arrest and investigation was "too much for the baby."
“I learned that during my absence, the pressure on Julia had been enormous. One blogger had started spreading rumors that she was a “Mossad agent.” Others had floated the absurd idea that it was her posts (and not my flight information) that had caused the police to pick me up at the airport.
With her devices confiscated, she has been unable to access her Telegram and Instagram accounts for weeks. Her silence on social media has fueled further speculation. Cyberbullying against her has reached new heights,” Pavel Durov wrote on his Telegram channel.
Pavel Durov arrested by France
Durov was arrested in France on August 24, 2024. It was later revealed that French law enforcement officials had issued an arrest warrant for Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai several months earlier in March 2024.
French authorities detained Pavel for four days before charging and releasing the businessman. The charges included complicity in the distribution of child pornography due to what French officials said was a lack of robust content control policies on the Telegram platform.
French President Emmanuel Macron has insisted that Durov’s arrest was not political and denied inviting (tricking) Durov to France or having prior knowledge of his entry into the country – claims that have drawn criticism from the crypto community and free speech advocates.