being a crypto trader is a very difficult thing, every time when we think all going to settle and we achieve our goal then these instadeneous bastards events happen every time ..

when we think a bull run is starting there is always some thing start that crash market and our portfolio become shit again..

list events :-

1) luna crash.

2). Ukrainian russia war.

3) pelastine Israel war.

4) now iran Israel war ( fu... s..k October , tell me truth how may your waiting for October month too see pump , comment it ? )

life of small cryt trader is not easy because due to this event we lost our life time earn money ( hope many of you take loan from bank to invest in this shit market like me ) .cherry on this p2p scam which freeze bank account plus some time government ban app..

i want to quit but I am in too much debt therefore waiting for bull cycle but I think it's not going to happen ..

i also experience my portfolio take 6-7 month to gain but it's vanish all profits in one day .

#Write2Earn! #prayforpiece #IranAttackIsrael