On September 26, 2024, Hamster Kombat, a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game, launched trading for its HMSTR token on several major exchanges. Despite the anticipation, the airdrop ended up disappointing much of the crypto community.
Many have called it “one of the worst airdrops in crypto history.” Here are five reasons why the Hamster Kombat airdrop failed to meet expectations.
What Went Wrong with the Hamster Kombat Airdrop
1. Unfair Reward Distribution
Many participants were unexpectedly disqualified ahead of the airdrop. Those who focused on increasing their points per hour (PPH) to accumulate tokens were banned right before the event, as the developers implemented a new "anti-cheat" system without warning.
Those affected claimed this change appeared to benefit influencers, with a significant amount of tokens redirected to them instead of regular players. This last-minute rule change sparked major outrage.
2. Frequent Postponements and Sudden Rule Changes
The Hamster Kombat team initially planned the airdrop for July 2024, but due to technical issues, it was postponed. This delay upset many who had eagerly awaited their rewards.
In late August, the team announced that the airdrop would occur in September. Although they met this revised deadline, they had already lost the trust of many community members.
Adding to the frustration, just before the airdrop, the developers announced that participants would receive only 88.75% of their tokens, with the remaining 11.25% to be distributed in July 2025. This sudden rule change fueled a growing boycott movement within the community.
3. Low Listing Price of the HMSTR Token**ll
A major concern before the airdrop was the value of the HMSTR token at launch. Unfortunately, these concerns were validated when the token debuted at just $0.01.
The price quickly began to drop, disappointing both long-term and short-term investors who had higher expectations for the project’s token.
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