Everyone envies the cryptocurrency investment market for making money quickly, so many people are eager to try, and invest their hard-earned money in it, but the result is not what they expected. In fact, a good attitude is very important for investment and financial management. Next, let's talk about the psychological thoughts that investors encounter when they just enter the cryptocurrency circle or are in the cryptocurrency investment market.

1. Blind and bold mentality. Some coin friends have never seriously and systematically studied investment theory and skills, nor have they undergone any simulation training. They don’t even understand the most basic investment knowledge, but they rashly enter the coin circle investment market and participate in investment. The rapid depreciation of their capital account will be an inevitable choice. Other coin friends, once they find that the market price fluctuates greatly, will boldly enter the market without thinking, and they are often trapped or even liquidated. Buddha saves those who are destined to be saved, and I lead those who are thoughtful! Friends in the coin circle are welcome to come for consultation.

2. Lack of patience Some coin friends wish that once they enter the market, the price will move in a direction that is favorable to them, preferably a large movement, so that they can realize their wish of becoming rich overnight, but the probability of this happening is very small. In most cases, after entering the market, the market price always seems to be against them and moves in the opposite direction. This is the time to test the patience of coin friends. They must strictly follow the original operation plan and never act like a monkey who gets sesame seeds but loses watermelons. They will rush to sell after making a little profit, which will often be counterproductive.

3. The mentality of not willing to give up everything. There are countless investment opportunities in the cryptocurrency investment market, but investors’ time, energy and funds are limited, and it is impossible to grasp all investment opportunities. This requires cryptocurrency friends to make choices, and to weigh the importance of various investment opportunities, the size of hot spots, and other aspects, and selectively give up small investment opportunities, so as to better grasp larger investment opportunities.

4. Greed and fear mentality. Even a smart person will become stupid when he develops fear. In the cryptocurrency investment market, fear often causes coin friends' investment level to malfunction, repeated mistakes, and ultimately lead to investment failure. Therefore, fear is the biggest obstacle for coin friends to make profits in the market. Although most coin friends can understand what I said, very few can use it flexibly in operations, resulting in losses in the investment market. Operational philosophy: 1. Follow the trend, do not predict the trend, go long on dips in an uptrend, go short on highs in a downtrend, and do not trade against the trend.

2. Strictly control positions, allow risks and returns to coexist, and adhere to long-term stable trading.

3. Strictly set the take-profit and stop-loss, with a small stop-loss and a big profit. Buddha saves those who are destined to be saved, and I lead those who are sincere! For a successful investor, personal ability is indispensable, and trading experience is also an important factor, but the premise of these conditions is that the investor must have a healthy and good trading mentality. Only in this way can we go further and further in the field of cryptocurrency investment.

I hope that all the cryptocurrency friends will get what they want tomorrow for every effort they make today.