
March 9th: $SATS was deployed, with a total of 210 trillion and a total of 21 million.

At that time, people were amazed at who had such a big imagination and deployed such a huge machine with 1:1 SATs. No one thought it could be defeated.

April 28: The inscriptions for the first few deployments have been completed, and many users questioned SATS because of its large total supply.

Progress in May

May 4: SATS inscription progress 0.33%

May 9: SATS inscription progress 0.4%

May 11: oxbt is popular in the Brc20 ecosystem, and the number of currency holding addresses exceeds ordi, which helps the development of SATS

May 14: SATS inscription progress 0.75%

May 15: SATS inscription progress 1%, the number of addresses holding coins is 7,309, a milestone

May 16: Due to the success of Unisat market, everyone is keen to brush Unisat points, and Mint SATS becomes the first choice

May 17: It was a popular social experiment at the time, and about 8,000 wallet addresses participated in the zeroing experiment.

May 20-May 22: SATS inscription progress from 2.3% to 3.35%

May 23: Brc20 market has been launched in OKX web3 wallet, and SATS also has some pending orders. At the same time, the number of SATS holders exceeds ordi.

May 29: SATS inscription progress 6.6%, the number of holding addresses 15,186

May 31: SATS inscription progress 6.96%, number of holding addresses 16,047

In May, due to the development of the Brc20 market and the success of $oxbt, more and more KOLs paid attention to SATS and promoted SATS.

June Progress

June 15: SATS inscription progress 9.21%, the number of holding addresses 18,816, the number of holding addresses reached the first place

June 16: SATS inscription progress 10%, breakthrough 10%

June 24: SATS inscription progress 12%

June 29: SATS inscription progress 13.69%, the number of currency addresses is 19,831, Mint cost 1.35U, market 0.8U. A large investor bought 25,000 SATS at one time

In June, more and more SATS communities began to be established, and some bigwigs gradually started to build positions.

July progress

July 1-10: SATS inscription progress increased from 14.13% to 20.02%, breaking through 20%

July 11: @okx BRC20-S is officially open for deployment, increasing users’ confidence in the BRC20 market and accelerating the progress of SATS

July 20: SATS inscription progress 30.14%, breaking through 30%, Mint cost 0.65U, market 0.45U

July 30: SATS inscription progress 36.87%, number of holding addresses 26,905, Mint cost 0.65U, market 0.43U July,

Due to the decline of BTC, the entire brc20 ecosystem is in a sluggish state, and gas is as low as single digits. This is the best time to build a SATS position.

At the same time, since OKX makes markets in the Ordinals market, many users also make some profits by arbitrage.

August progress

August 2: SATS inscription progress 40.62%, breaking through 40%

August 8: SATS inscription progress 45.43%, number of currency addresses 28,157, Mint cost 0.65U, market 0.43U August 14: SATS inscription progress 50.40%, breaking through 50%

August 22: SATS inscription progress 60.56%, breaking through 60%

August 31: @binance launches Ordinals engraving service, indicating that Binance will also enter the market. SATS engraving progress 68.56%, the number of addresses holding coins is 30,071, the mint cost is 0.49U, and the market is 0.36U

In August, Unisat announced a reduction in inscription fees, and other platforms also launched inscription proxy services, including Binance’s entry, which undoubtedly injected a shot of adrenaline into the Brc20 market. Compared with the previous few months, the progress of SATS inscription has been significantly accelerated.

September 2: SATS inscription progress 70.50%, breaking through 70%

September 5: @idclub_ord SATS casting competition is online to support SATS inscriptions

September 7: Unisat announces Brc20-swap

September 8: SATS inscription progress 80.07%, breaking through 80%, number of currency holding addresses 31,377, Mint cost 1.2U, market 0.9U

September 10: Ordinals held a summit in Singapore, with participation from Domo, Unisat, etc.

September 17: SATS inscription progress 90.40%, breaking through 90%, number of currency holding addresses 32,556, Mint cost 0.96U, market 0.85U

September 19: SATS inscription progress 95.08%, breaking through 95%, number of currency holding addresses 34,439, Mint cost 1.4U, market 1.3U

September 24: SATS inscription progress 100%, it took more than 6 months and cost tens of millions of dollars to complete this impossible task

September 27: Unisat launches brc20-swap testnet, putting SATS first

In September, the SATS inscription progress quickly increased from 70.50% to 100%, completing a grand task that took more than six months and cost tens of millions of US dollars.

During this period, @idclub_ord launched a SATS minting competition to promote inscriptions, Unisat announced the launch of Brc20-swap and introduced SATS to the test network, at the same time, the number of SATS holding addresses continued to grow, the minting cost and market value fluctuated, and finally all inscriptions were successfully completed.

In September, SATS was completely FOMO and was quickly sold out. At the same time, more KOLs began to promote SATS, and more and more communities were established to promote SATS spontaneously, creating a strong community atmosphere.

October Progress October 10: Unisat announces the use of SATS as service fee

October 16: Binance includes SATS

October 30: Unisat announced the first batch of 14 brc20 tokens supported by Brc20-Swap, including sats, ordi, trac, oshi, btcs, oxbt, texo, cncl, meme, honk, zbit, vmpx, pepe, and mxrc. In October, various brc20 tokens exploded, including various zoo coins, meme coins, and community coins.

At the same time, Unisat announced that SATS would be used as a handling fee, allowing SATS to truly enter the application level.

November progress

November 2: SATS is now zero, and the price per ticket is 4U

November 3: SATS market value exceeds ORDI

November 7: Binance announced the launch of ordi, with the price of a single piece reaching 12U

November 9: @gate_io and @bitgetglobal launched SATS, with the price per ticket reaching 14U

November 12: SATS holding addresses exceed 40,000

November 13: The original No. 1 on the holding list announced that he had locked 300,000 shares, but actually sold them secretly on the gate.

November 17: Huobi @HuobiGlobal launches SATS, with the price per piece reaching 21U

November 20: According to reports, the original holding list No. 2 also secretly shipped 200,000 shares

In November, various exchanges began to pay attention to SATS, which has great potential. At the same time, the takeoff of SATS also promoted the development of Brc20 ecology. New coins were scrambled to be traded every day, and Gas remained above 100 for a long time.

December Progress December 4: With the new high of $ordi, SATS also reached a new historical high, with the highest single ticket reaching 26U December 12:

Binance announced the launch of SATS, and the price soared from 25U to 54U before the launch. I believe that the price of the coin will have a qualitative leap after the launch of Binance, and SATS will not disappoint everyone who believes in it.

Binance funds took over a large number of sats, and the biggest winner went from ordi to sats, making a profit of 260 million RMB

1; Judging from the on-chain data, the takeover funds of sats are very strong.

Binance has been online for less than a day and has already surged by 19.17%. However, it is obvious to the naked eye that SATS has not fallen significantly, and this is despite the fact that it has already risen by 143%.

2. A big investor sold 36 million US dollars yesterday, becoming the biggest winner.

On-chain investigations show that this large investor received millions from Ordi in May and made a large-scale layout of SATs in July, achieving a huge leap in wealth.

3: The number of sats on the exchange is not as large as ordi, and the chips are still relatively scattered.

A large number of early high-profit financing codes have not been sold, and now 7 of the top 10 holding addresses are personal addresses.

The largest individual holds 15 trillion coins, which is now worth 7.2 million USD. Maybe their goal is the stars and the sea. #SATS #ORDI#Binance1 holding address analysis

Holdings Ranking 1: Binance

Holdings ranking 2: gate

Position ranking 3: Personal holdings, mint income, unchanged.

Position ranking 4: Personal position, mint income, and buy collective in September

Position ranking 5: Personal position, purchased at the end of August

Position ranking 6: Personal holdings, mint income

Holdings ranking 7: Personal holdings, purchased in mid-August

Position ranking 8: Personal holdings, mint income, unchanged.

Position ranking 9: Personal holdings, purchased in August

Holdings ranking 10: Marked as a Binance wallet, but the number has surged recently, which shows the real uncertainty.

1: Judging from the on-chain data, Sats' takeover funds are very strong.

In just one day since Binance went online, it has already received 19.17% of the financing code, worth about US$200 million.

But it is obvious to the naked eye that SATS has not seen a significant drop.

And this is based on the premise that Anbin has already risen by 143% after announcing its launch.

In less than 24 hours, spot trading volume has reached $400 million.

2: From the perspective of financing distribution, SATS is more widely held, with exchanges currently holding around 25%.

In contrast, Ordi’s holdings on exchanges have reached more than 60%.

Judging from the on-chain coin holding addresses, SATS has 45,893 coin holding addresses, while ORDI has only 13,146 coin holding addresses.

3: Another very obvious feature of SATS is that individual holdings are relatively large.

Among the top 10 largest holding addresses, 7 wallets are personal addresses, some of which are mints and some are purchase proceeds.

But in terms of profit, it is much worse than Ordi. Orid was launched in May and it was OK, while the profit of Mint was several thousand times (if it is true).

The cost of Sats 2 Binance recharge address statistics are as follows. The above is a statistics of the top 10 addresses that recharge into Binance. It can be seen that the largest address recharged 65 trillion sats, which is worth 36 million.

The second place topped up 17 trillion coins, which was also A8. The third to tenth place all had A8 gains. The largest position that remained unchanged on the chain was 15 trillion, which exceeded the number of the third place.

Biggest Winner Analysis

The biggest player in SATS is this guy who owns 65 trillion sats.

After Binance went online, all of it was transferred into profits, worth RMB 36 million, or about RMB 260 million.

The address of the sats was transferred on December 12. At first glance, I thought it was insider trading, but actual investigation found that it was not.

The sats of this address are transferred from 8 addresses.

Investigation of these eight addresses revealed that they were controlled by the same person.

Because they have the same operating behavior.

The historical rotation time is relatively close, the method is relatively close, and the tokens operated are also relatively close. The sats of these 8 addresses were basically purchased in July, so it can be judged that this is a personal behavior.

During the investigation, we also found that this big customer once owned more than nearly 1 million ordis, and sold them all at the door on May 12th. The price was 10 to 12 dollars, with a value of tens of millions of pounds.

He bought it a few days after April 20, so we roughly speculate that the big investor added a few on Ordi. Then he bought a large number of sats in July and made a profit of more than 36 million, achieving a large wealth coverage.