#BlueWhaleMorningDiary 22/12/24 (Day 59)
1⃣️Reflection/Flow [Eliminating the weak and retaining the strong, the art of negation]
People who are new to investing have some bad habits. Although they have learned how to allocate assets and make diversified portfolios, they are reluctant to let go of weak targets in asset allocation. Because they suffer a lot of losses, they always want to close orders, even though they know that they are weak targets. You will hold it for the longest time, and you will not sell it until its price drops to the point where you really can't bear it and you really think it will return to zero or go off the market. By then, it will have been sold at the lowest point.
So why not set a stop loss when you know he is weak?
On the contrary, people rush to sell off strong stocks as soon as they rise a little. This is something we should think about.
2⃣️Recent articles recommended
<Margin of Trust: Buffett's Profit Model for Running Berkshire Hathaway>
Investors usually know that there is a concept of error margin in value investing, which can ensure profits and reduce risks. However, the trust mentioned in this book also has a margin. Lao Ba usually only cooperates with people he trusts, even in mergers and acquisitions. I hope it will be managed by someone who is trustworthy, because I only know how important it is to have a trustworthy partner after going through pitfalls.
3. Gratitude
elfinkingdom provides WL and trial places to the community
4. Good luck
I have a cold, but luckily the test came back negative and I currently only have mild cold symptoms.
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