You must learn a lesson after being beaten.

This bull market has lasted for several months

Don't be the kind of person who is bullish when the market is up and bearish when the market is down.

It has gone back and forth from 50,000 to 70,000 three times. Can you remove the beginning and the end and eat the middle?

If you don't have much money, Bitcoin can go to 80,000 or 100,000. For long-term investors, just take it. Short-term investors are too persistent in being beaten.

Don't go long when 40,000 is called, and chase the rise when 80,000 is called. There have been 6 months of fluctuations in the middle, and many people have ended their crypto careers.

It is really important to have your own judgment criteria. I can give you 1.2 losses, but don't let me catch you, 🐶庄

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