In a recent publication, Forbes magazine drew attention to a notable transformation occurring within the #cryptocurrency sector, whereby #XRP becomes a central role.

The paper bore the title "Anticipating the 'Collapse' of the U.S. Dollar: Projecting a $8 Trillion Shock, Inflationary Response by the Federal Reserve, and the Subsequent Emergence of a 'Critical' Price Surge in #bitcoin , Ethereum, XRP, and Other Cryptocurrencies to Compete with Gold."


“U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—Shock $8 Trillion Predicted Fed Inflation Flip To Spark A ‘Critical’ Bitcoin, Ethereum, #XRP And Crypto Price Boom To Rival Gold”

— Chad Steingraber (@ChadSteingraber) October 8, 2023

The aforementioned event shed light on a momentous incident that possesses the capacity to reverberate throughout XRP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other notable cryptocurrencies. The Forbes study presented an argument on the possible impact of a $8 trillion withdrawal from the US financial system on the XRP and Bitcoin markets, in light of an anticipated collapse of the US currency.

Chad Steingraber, a game designer with expertise in the XRP community, brought attention to the report inside the XRP Army.

The paper bore the headline "Anticipating the 'Collapse' of the U.S. Dollar: Projecting a $8 Trillion Shock Resulting from Inflationary Measures by the Federal Reserve, Potentially Triggering a 'Critical' Surge in Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Cryptocurrency Prices Comparable to Gold."

The aforementioned event shed light on a momentous incident that possesses the capacity to reverberate throughout XRP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other prominent cryptocurrencies. The Forbes piece presented an argument on the possible impact of a $8 trillion outflow from the US financial system towards the XRP and Bitcoin markets in the event of a forecasted collapse of the US currency.

Chad Steingraber, a game designer with expertise in the XRP community, brought attention to the report inside the XRP Army.