If you're looking for indicators that will help you with your trading, then, you're in the right place.
As many indicators pile up in the market with the automated bots that they've been providing as well. Many are skeptical about these tools, as it is naturally normal to be uneasy with using tools that most of the time would fail. Albeit, we've found the best indicator that would most of the time yield high profits.
Here's what it is.
If you've recently found posts like the ones in the picture below, you should know by now that these types of posts are generated most of the time by AIs. "How come AI would post contents like these? You're just exaggerating." Yes, it would feel like we're just exaggerating this statement that we've made. However, keep in mind that in the picture below you can see 1 post pertaining to asking question on what to do next with his position that went negative and the other one is being new to the market and asking for guidance. Let me ask you, since you were once a newbie, have you ever immediately traded more than 30x leverage or even 75x? Let me also ask you, don't you find it odd that these type of posts are being posted online at the right timing? For example, they've posted a negative short position near the resistance that will most likely reject the price and have their short position become positive in just a few minutes, hours, days or weeks?
Why do you think they use AI and post contents like these?
The best way to scare a market that's filled with traders who are easily hyped is to have posts like these constantly scaring them off. Another point being is, the curiosity that these types of post will provide and how they would immediately entertain questions of traders who commented on these posts may it be in a mocking or concerned manner.
Why do they want to make every trade curious or even scared?
The best way to make someone act is to make them feel different kind of emotions and as the market keep on profiting from the simple mistakes that most traders make, there would also be more unrealized possibilities a trader wouldn't be able to think.
What's the important of these type of posts?
Once you've mastered the art of not totally not caring about these noises in the market, you will also be able to use reverse psychology and make it as an indicator for your next trading plans. Let me give you an example, if you've already thought that the analyzed price action would be highly possible, you won't have to ask opinions from the market and instead follow it. If you add these type of posts, you will also be able to confirm the sign you needed that once these guys start posting the result would most likely be different from what they've posted.
Stay wise, trade cautiously.