#CryptoForEveryone I don't know which particular cryptocurrency(ies?) will exist but I'm sure it will catch on as a technology. Most people do not realize that crypto is currently in a wild-west experimental stage so when they criticize cryptocurrency, they often end up criticizing non-essential aspects of it. For example the claim that crypto is bad for the environment is false, what's bad for the environment is proof-of-work. When ethereum switched from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake it managed to reduce its carbon footprint by 99%. Another claim is that crypto is volatile and bought only for speculation. Again, this is only a subset of cryptocurrencies, there's a whole class of cryptocurrencies called "stablecoin" which specifically aim for stability. You cannot even say that all crypto is fiat. Some cryptocurrencies are backed by actual gold (like Tether gold) so it's basically a more "real" coin than the dollar. When you have a wild experimental environment like this, there is always some final product. Maybe we will end up with a cryptocurrency that incorporates all of the above features. After all, algorithms keep getting better, computers keep getting faster and energy production methods keep getting cheaper. It wouldn't be the first time that peer-to-peer technology has massive socioeconomic effects (look at piracy).
Now that the technological aspect is out of the way, there's the incentive aspect. Inflation is pushing people to alternatives. The more the FED prints money and devalues the dollar, the more readily the people will want to abandon the dollar. The idea of decentralized currencies has existed since 1976 as a way to stop government induced inflation.